I'm pretty bad ass


I'm a physicist turned MBA student. I'm an arts-and-crafts-loving data-nerd. I'm passionate about doing well by doing good, and I want to help solve the big problems that face our world. Above all else, I love learning. Wherever I go, I quickly develop a reputation as the girl who asks lots of questions; my curiosity just gets the better of me. If I were a cat, I'd have used up my nine lives years ago.


  • Conducted PHYSICS RESEARCH in areas from graphene creation to quantum optics, and published 4 scientific papers
  • Shared personal, true stories at national MOTH STORYTELLING events, and in auditoriums of 200+ people
  • DEBATED NATIONALLY in Ireland (often at debating tournaments, even more often in pubs)
  • Avid BLUES DANCER and have traveled all over the US for dancing events
  • Studied intermediate Italian (a bit rusty), and advanced Latin (a bit more rusty), and spent a summer as a 18th c. NEO—LATIN MANUSCRIPT researcher
  • Built a 33-inch MARSHMALLOW STAND made of spaghetti and tape during a team-building design challenge


People Management

From behavioral economics to organizational design, I am fascinated by how people behave. I think no situation can be truly understood until it's viewed through the quirky, emotional, and sometimes unpredictable, perspective of human beings.

Data Management

A true nerd at heart, I love data and numbers. I get a perverse sense of joy from a beautifully laid out speadsheet. With technical experience in information systems management and IT product development, I know the most important part of working with numbers is bringing them to life with a story.


Research and Experimentation

As a student of physics, I have done my fair share of research and experimentation. From studying the mysteries of the universe, to traveling unfamilar places, I'm never afraid to try things out, explore the unknown, and keep on failing until I learn something new.

Strategy and Design

Combining problem solving, analytical thinking, and a human-centered approach, I thrive on tackeling challenging, ambiguous, messy problems in new and interesting ways. Our world is a complicated place, and to have an impact we have to think both strategicly and creatively.

Some words I love

If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.

A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help someone else.

Chinese Proverb

Don't let the world change your smile. Let your smile change the world.

Original by Connor Franta

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Maya Angelou

In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.

Nikos Kazantzakis

People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.



Yale School of Management

MBA | 2016 to 2018

• Design for America Yale Lab team lead: working with local family shelter to redesign their children’s educational play space

• Collaborating with Yale’s game theory professor to research and re-engineer the School of Management’s course bidding process

• Liaison for the School of Management to the Center for Engineering Innovation and Design at Yale University

• Member: Design and Innovation Club, Social Impact Lab, Women in Leadership club, and Women’s Admissions Mentors

Bryn Mawr College

BA in Physics | 2009-2013

• Bachelor of Arts, Physics, Magna Cum Laude, GPA 3.89, Study abroad in Galway, Ireland

• Served as Hall Advisor for 50+ students to resolve conflict, foster community, and promote resources to ensure students thrived

• Reorganized and led college-wide academic support Peer Mentor Program of 18 mentors supporting 1,300 students

• Coordinated admissions weekends and tours of 70+ prospective students as Senior Tour Guide


The Vanguard Group

International Data and Reporting Analysis Administrator | Oct 15 – Jun 16

• Managed relationships with 30+ business partners, including director of Asia business, Chief Investment Officer, and head of PR, fielding 100+ monthly data requests that provided insight into global operations and informed business strategy

• Governed 2 confidential databases of global products and clients with the international data management team; sourced data and synthesize information into 15 different user-friendly monthly reports, including calculation of proprietary global cash flows across 500+ products, and Vanguard’s official $3.5 trillion global assets under management

• Designed dynamic capacity tracker tool that compiled data from 4 different sources on 200+ monthly responsibilities to evaluate usage of our team’s services, and inform cost/benefit decisions on how to serve our business partners most effectively

• Collaborated with IT developers using agile project management and scrum methodology to build and roll out 4 distinct global reporting tools for 400+ products, reducing a manual 20-hour monthly process by 95% to an automated 30-minute workload

• Engaged with and managed priorities of multiple stakeholders while facilitating change of global reporting process; expanded reporting capabilities to 4 new regions and 500% more products, and established primary tool for consistent global reporting

Investment Consultant | Sep 14 – Oct 15

• Transitioned more than 300 clients to Vanguard, bringing in over $150 million in assets and exceeding sales goals by 40%

• Guided the launch of department’s first formal process improvement initiative by collecting and evaluating over 300 employee suggestions based on priority, feasibility, and impact, and worked cross-functionally to immediately implement over 70 changes

• Influenced senior leaders and negotiated among cross-department managers to initiate coaching and mentoring program for 40+ new and tenured sales reps, strengthening retention and collaboration, and doubling coaching/on-the-job trainings

• Spearheaded a monthly, multidisciplinary Lunch&Learn program to enhance business acumen and industry knowledge across by hosting speakers and discussions with 50+ attendees on topics such as trust registrations, and financial advising

• Obtained senior leader buy-in through presentations and informal meetings to initiate program focused on employee engagement and development; initial pilot launched with 6 participants and provided protected days and resources for self-improvement

Investment Specialist | Jul 13 – Sep 14

• Created a process to improve quality and consistency of advice services sales calls by researching technical aspects of the services and interviewing Investment Consultants about best sales practices; increased understanding of the service among 40+ Investment Specialists, and improved customer experience on roughly 500 sales calls per week; received recognition award for the project

• Coordinated with department managers and Vanguard University to facilitate training of 51 new hires across 3 separate groups (largest in 4 years), developing a structured process and training framework to make trainings run more smoothly and seamlessly

• Promoted to Investment Consultant early (first in class of 14 peers)


  • All
  • Projects
  • Stories
  • A story about my brother
  • Reimagining a play space
  • A story about leading
  • Rethinking Yale's course bidding process
  • A story about my life
  • Why Design and Innovation


Drop me a line. Shoot me a text. Dispatch me a carrier pigeon.

Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.

~Anne Morrow Lindbergh